Wallet Issue #9 - Culture of Critique

Wallet는 패션 산업 내에서 비판적인 논의를 만들어내는 패션 코멘트 출판물입니다. 각 호는 패션 산업과 관련된 특정 주제를 탐구하며, 다양한 패션 디자이너와 비평가들의 코멘트과 시각적 대화를 담고 있습니다. 매년 세 번 발행되며, 각 호는 아이코닉한 포켓 사이즈로 디자인되며, 서론에 머리말을 포함하고 있습니다.

A conversation on fashion criticism and its numerous contemporary forms.

Wallet is a fashion commentary publication dedicated to creating a critical dialogue within the fashion industry. Thematically produced, each issue asks new questions around various aspects of the fashion industry; be it power, publishing, education, space, retail, casting, advertising, technology.

Published three times per year, each issue is delicately structured and designed within its iconic pocket-sized format, and includes an introductory prelude.

Dimension : 22cm x 11 cm
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Wallet Issue #9 - Culture of Critique

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